fancy-smancy, monkeys hobbling with their rye, and i stare clean through stain glass eyes, and i stare mean when they don't get confessional.
secrets in turn, secrets for the sacrifice of my time, no sympathy, that ain't going to help you one bit.
shards of glass, shards of memory, slitting wrists and broken kiss, through the fall of sanity in sheets, in monkey fevers, in worship or whatever.
i'm dressed up in a fish bowl of time, you look from the outside, and you laugh, tap on the glass, and i act like i'm going to show you, and i act like i'm going somewhere but you will pull me out when i go belly up and that's that.
that's all there ever was.
Copyright 2010 by J.J. Hutton (a poem written without a second guess in two minutes)