I sat in that disturbingly dark room, with barely a wince of light shining through the thick curtains that were blue originally but now look dinged with yellow from the cigarette smoke.
Hearing the ***** and grungy guitaring with the out of tune and high pitched scratchy voice overbearing the whole thing sounded beautiful to me at the time.
I knew I was depressed at that very moment.
Even some sunny days have clouds that cast a shadow on the fields.
My fields though, were paved concrete that snake through everything.
I was in a relatively large city, heavily populated and concentrated in a small place. It wasn’t anything like New York, or Atlanta or even Miami, but the thought of being in a big city excited me.
I would have rather be alone in a large city, than this mediocre town of old folk’s homes and schools for the growing children.
I was alone no matter what; I wanted to be alone sometimes.
To get out of the scorching sun and sit in the shade for a while calmed things down a bit.
I was so alone; I just wish I had someone to be alone with.