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May 2014
Never allow negative people, make you into something that you are not.
For you are worthwhile, the Creator of the universe says so as well.
For he created you, he never creates junk only masterpieces does he makes.
He loves you all more then you shall ever know, here on the earth.
Once you make it into the Holy Kingdom heaven above where he dwells.
Then you shall finally get a glimpse, of how much that he does.
For you are a child of the one whom fashion the universe that we live in.
He knew every hair that is on your head, your every thought as well.
So please do not give up on him, he has never given up on you.
Eddie Starr
Written by
Eddie Starr  Hagerstown Md
(Hagerstown Md)   
   Liz Stevens, Venusoul7 and ---
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