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Oct 2010
I'm angry

Seriously, ******

Because people rake up leaves
Like they can
Control nature

Because in the third grade you
Pushed me down
Instead of helping me up

Because I never forgot
The day you
Apologized to me
And you can't even remember
Last Tuesday

Because Sarah Lynn
Isn't even my
Real name

Because I had to feed
Myself at the age of
And I was raised by
A *******
Television screen

Because I thought the
Drugs could somehow
Fix everything
For me
And they just made
It worse

Because everyone thinks
I'm a lesbian
Simply because I've never
Had a serious boyfriend
But how could I
Tell them
That I never loved
After you...

Because I step on the cracks
Praying I break
Her back

Because all of those
That I can relate to
Weren't really
Sung about me

Because when you
Told me how you felt
I pretended
That I was just

Because everyone
Turns the other
When they see me

Because no one
Will ever read these
Words and
Understand completely
Where I'm coming from

Because I feel like
I think too fast
And I know too much
And I'm too overwhelmed
To ever truly experience

Because I'm the only
Person in my life
That I can
With anything

I'm angry

Because when he smiles
At me
My heart melts
And there's nothing
I can do about it
Because he's
© October 2010 Sarah Lynn
Kayla Lynn
Written by
Kayla Lynn
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