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May 2014
Oh Gupta,
your hair is so sleek and shiny,
do you use hair products?
How do you get so slim?
Is it because you eat those low dietary meals?
I love the way you customize your outfit.
From your pink trimmed V-neck tank top,
To your rainbow *****-shorts.
Why do you pose that way?
Is it to symbolize your uniqueness.
Those tall, high-heeled boots,
Where'd you get them?
Are they the shade of peanut butter brown?
I like.
My gosh,
your precious birthmark that sits upon your face,
it's such a fab-some.
The way you pucker your lips for a selfie,
or sway your arms back to strike a pose,
Is that a rainbow your shooting at me?
So much fierce I can't take it.
I see you like Feng Shui.
You change off from red neck scarves to beaded mardi gras.
I like you Gupta,
we can be the best of friends.
Doesn't matter if you're gay,
you're abracadabrabsome!
Gupta- *Goop-ta*
If you didn't know, that's how you spell it.
Written by
Latiaaa  26/F/Chicago
     Latiaaa and ---
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