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May 2014
sleeping together is a beautiful thing. and by that, i mean falling asleep next to each other. you are vulnerable, and nothing else is stronger than your eyelids shut tight. you can feel the heat sheltered by his skin pressed against yours, making you feel that comfortable feverish feeling that you used to get when you were nine. you memorize each other's bodies even while asleep, through subtle breathing patterns and little body twitches. when you bump into his body, you'll know you're secure, and you no longer have the need to hide under the covers to feel a little protected, especially when it's a warm night. unconsciously, you hold him, and for once in your life, someone holds you back the way you wanted to be held -- with heavy eyelids and sleepy fingertips that hang loosely from the edges of your shirt. his eyelashes would touch your forehead, leaving you with dreams that you will remember when you wake up. and when you wake up in the middle of the night, still in his grip, you'll document everything in your mind. you'll become an artist even for thirty seconds, just to keep these things that isolated corner of your mind, the one you've always been saving for something for so long. falling asleep next to each other is a beautiful thing.
k o s m i k
Written by
k o s m i k  20/Bigender/Philippines
   Mila and ---
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