A cadence of breaths stings my lungs, my tissues contracting in a rhythmic pattern, oh how it stung. Turgid veins swelling with blood, it bites like battery acid. Tepid vision is clouded, and I'm placing a bid, one still tacit. Bathing in the moonlight, I have sworn to remain focused, the stale breath of the night drawing me nearer. Contentions bind us together, it attracts me, I almost fear her. Atop the mountains I have had a revelation. Unlike before, synapses fail to send reason for any stipulations. A feverishly beating heart, once stagnant, is evolving passion again, becoming ostentatious. This pen and ink portend my timidity, acting out for me, love has again become contagious. I can feel it in my brittle bones, a tingling spine indicates I must offer to amalgamate. Though ardent, I linger in ambivalence, as to when my heart will proceed, I can only speculate.