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Oct 2010
....just kidding, I don't even really know what it means
up until now I've only ever really thought of it as
the ugly little sister of movie scenes

don't get me wrong, I've always been fond of words that rhyme
I'll sit and search for similes
sniff out a metaphor from time to time

but in terms of poetry writing, writing poetry I should say
I never know where to start or
what's just ******* or what's okay

so I'm stuck in trial and error, there are no set of rules
It seems I've started building a house
but have yet to acquire the tools

so on I'll feel into the darkness, it really is a sin...
is this poem destined for greatness
or just destined for the bin?!
Amethyst Rock Star
Written by
Amethyst Rock Star  Glasgow
     ---, Jessica, Amethyst Rock Star and Anine
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