take my open wounds and slice them with the razor blade that is your tongue and make me wonder why I stick around. I can’t help the hells I have faced and I know what is true. But you take my tragedy and tie it to your train of thought sending it to another place so you don’t have to deal or ever feel anything other than your own ignorant bliss. i told you in confidence and got overshadowed by your doubt and suddenly she became crazy, which means maybe I am too because I am a product of my own inane environment and how do I separate from what surrounds me when it’s all I have left.
I have dealt with the beer can antics and the intoxicated ignorance for far too long to just push it to the back of my mind. I’m not sure if you’re an *******, or you have that much trouble being an empathetic person. But you will never understand the tides I have faced or the hells i have stumbled through weak and unaware of what’s ahead. I have been turned into nothing more than a punching bag for misplaced anger and a lashing tongue for pent up aggression and not i’m not sure if this is making the wounds I carry heal over with a skin thats thick as glass or if the skin i am in is just withering away with every word you speak to me. I’m tired of the tragedy, just give me some sense of normality.