How to remember a past year. How to, commemorate citrus burns and the use of a pocketknife to cut pineapple, and cutting pineapple, and eating it on sunny, uneven brick paths. How to--
channel the extravagance of buying blue moons from a local, local bar on a strictly dishroom paycheck. How to
describe, being in the backseat, amidst new faces amidst familiar songs and then stopping to observe obscure insects that glow. How to!
be without, pure two-wheeled freedom on a path, proudly engineered and purring toward a destination, marked by green. Being alone, so happy and so sweet. How to?
The same "sweet relief" with honey, on the same, quiet deck-porch-room. Even when it rains. How now?
Eyes, and oxytocin. Late, late meetings. Early morning greetings and taking a liking to.