Opening up choice, optional outlets Voiced sections of our minds escaped Safety was in silence; speech impeded Powerful penned action leaves the Skull to crack open thought processes
Others see into their minds by way of derivation Interaction captured, swooping into bludgeon Spat out red remarks dissolving us, turning over The table of plenty and offending, devaluing self regard Talking us out of being who we are....yet leaves
Replaying the turntable of our minds Rinsed out mouths might penetrate the circle of Tight lips, forced shut by silent expectation Fear and squirming ruling our fingertips, wrapping Knuckles pressed firmly to the flesh of repression
Gold dust sprinkles the high life, cuts short the Intrinsic pain, lends a hand in the greedy depths Of finding a way through the webs of sarcasm The veiling pretence is insidious in flavour Tastes sweet to the tongue, once swallowed... too late