Now here's a story for Halloween One that you won't forget A little story of forbidden love Called Wolfio and Drooliette
Now Wolfio was a werewolf dude With his hair down to his toes And how he hooked up with Drooliette Nobody really knows
You see, Drooliette was a vampire chick With her fangs all covered in red But Wolfio really dug that chick From the ground, cause she was dead
Now Drooliette liked those hairy dudes They made her go weak in the knees He washed his hair in Pert shampoo Cause he heard it got rid of the fleas
And though he had to stop fetching sticks A sacrifice he was willing to make They don't sit good with the vampire chicks Cause it looked like a wooden stake
Now to say they lived happily ever after Would probably be telling you a lie Cause though Drooliette will never see death Poor Wolfio had to die
Now don't be sad, but this story is true And before you say that I lied Just say hello to Drooliette My brand new blood ******* bride