Welcome to the Steel and Porcelain Tour All aboard the Steam Engine And before you ask Yes this is run on the tears Of the people From this tour
Here lies the happiness of a broken girl Under the dirt In an unmarked grave This is the spot where Innocence is lost
Over there is The confidence Of the boy from your class Ripped away and discarded unwillingly
That pile on your left Of undiscovered talents Paintings, Books The cure to cancer and the common cold
And those papers over there Are the cases that went unsolved Rapes, kidnappings, murders And then there's the patient records Surgeries that didn't go well Too many patients, not enough doctors Don't forget the suicides from the psychiatrists That didn't make it too college
Last stop The pills and blades and ropes This parts a bit gruesome, so you might want to Close your eyes This is a few of the ways used by the people This tour is about
And that concludes your tour. Come again And don't forget Words hurt.