Let's live just long enough to fear the compassionate desires of our ancestors. Trust that no one save for the testimonials of strangers can save you from the 'coming evil' To this end, we shall salute our own graciousness in response to someone else's hard work; Make up a story filled with woe and peacemaker rallies depicting those formidable glory days. Suffer no one but fools. You know, Fore you are wise and we shall all know someday what is to others like you obvious; that everyone is blind but you. There is a glazing in the eyes of a once mistress, fallen over a reclining chair grasping at dusty bones. This is what is left of the great ending, nothing to clean up after, save for spittle looming over a coffee table. The nightmare returns to me in a simple waning smile and a sweet, but bitter to only me phrase: "let's grow old together"