in their disguised self-centered ways, the faithful are obsessed with going to Heaven and staying away from Hell
1 all the faithful, these holy believers, they all fear this address: No.1 HELL, OUTSIDE UNIVERSE, POSTAL CODE: 0001 all the faithful want to avoid this place like, well, hell!
the non-believers just take it easy; they have no such obsessions
all the faithful, the holy believers they all aspire to this place: ONLY 1, HEAVEN, DIVINE UNIVERSE, POSTAL CODE: 0001 they all try and get there and with their narrow True Only One Way they think they'd get there anyway easy as if you'd googled for Heaven
the non-believers just take it easy; they have no such obsessions
and well, if the faithful are always imagining what God sanctions and says, I don't see why their opposites can't also imagine what this Grand Supposition says
and in their aspirations, to reach ONLY 1, HEAVEN, DIVINE UNIVERSE, POSTAL CODE: 0001 the faithful ***** the planet earth with all their doctrines and their aggression and their violence and their narrowness and bigotry and their holiness and their obsessions and creating constant divisions and so I can sympathize with their supposed God becoming sane and thus declaring to the faithful: Oh no, I'm not letting you ******* in as surely you'll make a Hell of Heaven; I'd rather let in the non-believers here anytime at least they don't have your hang-ups and perversions
well, the poor faithful then, the holy faithful wholly excluded, they'll have to content themselves with Googling for Heaven, and viewing the streets of Heaven on Google Maps of the Divine World