Once I dreamed I was nothing When I tell you I don't see the point in cleaning my room when I could be
Biking, the wind tossing my hair back the Sour smell of stagnant water in a ditch, littered with cans The sun glints off the silvery foil of Fruit Roll-Up wrappers and
Blinds me, it does, We hear the rushing water see the Dead grass, littered with spider holes (I told you so) The clear water fresh from the crisp snow forcing it's way
Up the highway embankments, like how the water Runs down the blasted rocks, Once we moved mountains for highways we Used TNT to blast away the meteorite I grew up on, And now it is smooth from winters worth of melt water Running, eroding, coaxing away the sharp
This is a new world come Alive with water I, I will flood,