Pictures of a broken past Of lovely memories Of snow that covered frozen pine Or the smell of mahogany The feeling of security when you were always near Now that aid is surly gone Your absence leaves me bare
How can I draw back memories Of a time filled with but joy When autumn came to change the leaves Or winter to take its deathly bow
What of the springs in May When the earth let out its scent Of flowers growing wild In the acres that never end Or when you’d plant me tulips Just so we could be near Why now then have you gone away When our love’s yields not yet made
Hours pass and now the days and still no one has found you My heart is breaking into pieces How can I live without you? Without you here my life just seems to be so incomplete The ache that you have left behind is too much oh I shall weep!
Come back to be my gallant steed Your damsel needs protecting But not from the harm that outside holds But from her heart that needs desperate mending