conception grace time waiting beds money more money spent gone fighting loving hugging kissing slapping screaming sleeping waiting more waiting more fighting broken birth baby sleeping tired laughing crying all three fighting sleep older growing crawling talking and walking sleeping (all the time) sickness and health more or less wealth tired sleep school friends come back home sleep do it all over again grow again watch parents fight bite kiss eat regain consciousness remembrance middle school growing girls and boys boys and girls attraction satisfaction hormones deadly parents fighting parents loving sleeping all the time killed inside confused laughing immature maturing High School relationships joking camps and fights realization forget conception grow older become an adult through broken friendships and glass in the mind sleeping all the time dreams remembrance of reality and fiction crescendo music writing movies books TV parents fighting no longer loving become an adult fall out of love and into confusion into an ever deeper love obsess question (do they?) realize have a good time or not graduate go to college (or not) *** *** *** *** *** or not graduate (or not) sleeping (all the time) home marriage job kids work accomplish don't accomplish sit sleep fight eat sleep sleeping (all the time) no such thing as kids or partners alone realize everyone's gone dreams gone life asleep like you work success or no success you must try (just a little) and then die