again and again we copy and imitate and crave to be shaped or we create ideas and cherished notions and we cling to traditions and hopes and inspirations; and we run to this and then to that and we say this is revelation, this is the Divine and this is the path and we have solutions and formulas and plans and consolations and we say this is the truth and that is the truth and this is the leader and we crave for stimulants we eat cliches we bow to consuming and demanding Revelations that eat minds; and we crave for things that offer solutions that offer certainty and so we believe, we rather believe and this the Blessed and that one the Chosen and this the Ultimate True Guide: always chasing, always wanting to be led always wanting to be burdened like trained donkeys, with heavy loads; always wanting Super Powers, Omnipotence always the leverage of a Supreme Being always division: the All Powerful and the Weakling; always believing, always believing in such complexities, such mysteries but it is simple; drop everything and see what is left... but one will not do it for one would rather cling to something and notions and authority and wait for someone else to describe it rather than seeing it oneself; one would rather revere