Blue is for detachment, the lateral, the second thought The dragonfly’s wing, that blue, the company of a shadow; The curtain of dusk, the blue of solitude; The blue of people, their blue hair; The abandoned blue of loss; Astute blue, foreseeing who wakes and who sleeps; The blue of blue jays, one tear of a fallen angel; The blue of what is forgotten; Blue of juniper, blue of sky; The blue of rivers, the blue of fingertips; The blue of feathers, their glossed barbs; Poppy seed blue, recently harvested; The blue of argon, the arm, the path to refuge; Blue is for hope, a sanctuary, the final word; The turtle’s back, that blue, the pulse of veins; Wind chill, the blue of absence; The blue of trees, their blue branches; The paralyzing blue of fear.