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Apr 2014
******* sheets of copper,
          Something so improper.
        Balanced on a pillaged scheme,
Straight from a crooked stream.
          The tenderness of mass,
                 A fondled higher class
      Breakfast's gone cold
             Poor champion's been sold.
To a home of swindled means,
   For the sake of argument, let's call them the Greens.
They were prestigious in a worldly right
      The cause of most any blight
To some, they were a cursed name,
      Nonetheless, they had quite a bit of fame.
Mr.Green owned a large stable
     His prized beast a creature named Mabel.
She came shipped in a crate,
                           No mere act of fate.
Mr. Green broke her in that very night,
     Regardless of marital right.
Bruised and broken from that day on.
      Mabel remained the victim of a vast wrong.
In time, all with wealth had a ride
    Wretchedly ripping the poor girls hide.
   Soon she caught a common plague
And passed it on to every stag.
            One day Mrs. Green was heard ******* copper
    And explained to her husband why that was so improper.
                              So the man set fire to his stable
      Murdering poor old Mabel.
It was mostly over that very night
    Then cleaned up fully by a sheriff in the daylight.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Written by
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson  Shermer, Illinois
(Shermer, Illinois)   
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