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Apr 2014
i sit in the darkness
for i can not see
why is it that emotion controls me

i try to see the sun
but the cloudiness in my eyes
prevents me

i want to feel safe
both day and night
but can't

why is the darkness my comfort
but light my prison

when i look inside myself is see a tornado of color
these colors are my emotions
emotions i can not control

each color stands for one emotion
red is anger
blue is happiness
purple is sadness
black is hate
yellow is commonness
grey is fear

why can i not understand these emotions and control them
do i really have these emotions
am i emotionless
a person who feels nothing

or is it something else

by scarlet rose
April 23, 2014
shayla ennis
Written by
shayla ennis  36/Androgynous/northampton ma
(36/Androgynous/northampton ma)   
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