What does a lover want to hear, that you kept me alive even when I Wanted to die I wanted it all to end I didn't want to **** myself but sometimes that sneaking dark crept up on me
I wouldn't have fought
But it's not true, I kept me alive I made myself trudge forwards and I cried, I was a waterfall of hatred and salmon swam upstream they left half-moon scars beside moles, Their tails were the silver nailcippers in my skin lashing furious obsessed (i told the kids to wait a second and watch tv while i found their nailcippers) (i doused them in peroxide and rubbing alcohol) (i told their mother my aunt i cut myself while shaving)
it was
not an accident
i could say you kept me alive but it was me, i kept me alive
what do you do?
i can say only this:
in your mind i find someone i respect in your arms i find the sleep that eludes me daily