People slip through my fingers like sand I can't hold onto anyone Because there is always someone better Why can't I ever be the someone who is better Why am I not worthy of the same love that the world gets Why do the children who I used to run with Now make me feel as if everything has been stolen from me Why am I never picked first in gym? Not just in gym Why am I never picked first at 2:00 am Why am I always available But the people around me would rather be elsewhere There are no exceptions to this state of being This loneliness The company is only temporary Because everyone who is important in my life Has someone more And it's no secret People see People laugh when I tell them who my best friends are Because they know I am not their's Why am I never their's Why am I always alone Sitting at my house Writing these words That you will never know were for you I guess this is just a one way road And I'm the idiot driving the wrong way You'll never truly grasp how important you are to me But I guess thats good It's saves me a lot of embarrassment