The beginning And it seems like The next hill is Unattainable, Too tall, Too scary, And you're an ant next to A mountain, And you wonder why You're here in the first place? I too have crawled across those cracks and crevices, crying out in confusion and complexity. Crippled. I too have thought it was impossibility That held me back Broken Hoping That this was destiny That it isn't too big for me And that impossibility Is possibility I'm so tired I let go And for an eternal moment I am falling Breathless, heart pounding in my ears I am terrified. And when I fall, I land, perhaps For the better In square 1 And it's back to the beginning with me Is square 1 really that bad? We have to start somewhere. Why not here? Why not in the silent solitude of square 1 Sometimes I wonder why I must start over Why am I so frail So weak that it can't be attained But there is always hope And life allows plan Bs And second chances And perhaps one day I will climb that mountain after all And look into the blistering sunlight And see tons of other ants That we're brave enough to do so