He slept in that bed long before I came into the picture navy blue sheets golden brown bedposts. I could always run my fingers along the wall that connected us at night his steady breath a steady reminder that all was well, all was normal.
He came home from school my parents around the dining table shifting weight, waiting. A letter with letters, words of navy blue and shining gold. Congratulations we are pr…
Smiling, embracing mind racing We still had precious months… Until liftoff.
Gazing at the bed tired eyes foggy with 3 am, now foggier with tears. His steady breath a comforting metronome lulled me to rest on the cool hardwood floor The room was warm, full, occupied with steady breaths, cardboard boxes and love.
The car flew away before I could put my shoes on. through the dust “I couldn’t see the permanence.” I waved I waved until my arm burned hot enough to evaporate the falling water from my eyes. “If I closed my eyes I wouldn’t see him go.”
Gazing at the bed. tired eyes. foggy with 4 pm now foggier with emptiness. He left a dent in the mattress a comforting mold I tried to fit Tried to fill the space left behind. The room was gusty, empty, vacant, with distant breaths, dust and new negative space.
He slept in that bed long before I came into the picture navy blue sheets golden brown bedposts. I could always run my fingers along the wall that connected us at night.
The wall has swelled, hallowed. I still trace it listening, waiting for the void to narrow.