I want to look, just like my heavenly Father. Whenever He decides to change me, I'm sure it will be no bother. When I awake, I would like to have His eyes. I want Him to be standing there, close right by my side. I want to posses, all of His compassion. I want it to be felt each day by everyone. I would like my hands to heal as He did. I do not want His anointing, to ever be hid. I would like my feet, to be able to walk very far. To find those who are lost, maybe, even broken the law. I would like my head, to be crowned with nothing but wisdom. I want to share good advise, right from the Father's *****. I would like to have His lips, to only speak the good. I want to encourage people, to always do what they should. After God's image is displayed inside of me, then I can go forth, so the entire world can see. By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing