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Apr 2014
i can hear the monsters roll around restlessly under my bed,
theres so voices inside my head.
i hear the man in my closet plot my death,
i can smell the dust's breath.
i hear the monkeys of my memories flee,
i hear the bull of my anger try to be free.
i hear minny (voice in my head) dance and laugh,
planning another evil plan.
i can see the eyes of hate glare at me,
making me giddy with glee.
i can feel the lustful tongue try to rob me of whatever innocence i have,
i can hear the echoes of insanity continue to laugh.
danger smiled in happiness as he played with fire,
i see sleepy try to stay awake, extremely tired.
i see the square shaped corners scream their stories,
i can smell the oppressive cleanliness of chlorine.
i can hear the water hiss and steam,
i can hear the delicious sound of the food scream.
i can hear the depressing and hypocritical sound of family,
this is my lovely home of insanity.
thought i might as well go kinda crazy talking here, tell me what you guys think, it could be better.
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