I have always been one to take shortcuts - This might/must explain my love/hate relationship With run on sentences.
A Clear and concise statement is best And concise. And clear And also a statement.
The mighty must love.
My writing seems to have reoccurring things, One of which is not the truth
That’s a true statement.
What am I hiding In my (my mothers) hide-a-bed? Insecurity? Defeat? Dreams?
I guess writing is an Honest Place for me to Start.
“Walk the walk, talk the talk” state another cliché and commemorate the poem with the reoccurring theme of acknowledging one, That you are writing a poem and as per usual two, it’s about me.
Shimmering narcissism. Golden aura of a fading golden era Classified as a mental disease - If writing can help keep my distance from Facebook And taking selfies….
Then I will risk being honest.
Living by the lake sure is great And a full fridge is a ******* privilege And moms aren’t half bad Especially when they have Never given up on their Sputtering child.
Sputtering narcissism. At the convoluted writing convention I’m over in the self loathing self help section.
I want to tell one last lie Before I start Shooting straight , kick the habit and Become an honesty “truther”
Its important what people think of my writing, and what they think of me.
Practicing self love is the key to surviving Living @ home w/ your mom Because I have always been one to take Short cuts, And drive long windy roads Instead of sleeping, Always reading/speaking – working out words in my head That I can soon write down –forcing More honesty out to the surface before its Too late To tell What ends first – this poem or This sentence.
Living @ home w/ my mom Will play a vital role in becoming a great writer.