My body is a patchwork of bruises, scars and jagged pieces that don't fit quite right My mind is a ****** tapestry woven with threads drenched in hurricane waters
The day I was born a typhoon made a war zone out of my city An earthquake shook its very foundations as I came out kicking and screaming Since my first breath I've been looking for a fight The world never did disappoint
Time and time again the world has thrown punches straight to my face And left open gashes where most mothers placed kisses The world has stabbed me in the chest over and over 'til the ache felt like a part of me
I wear my scars like a coat of armor I hold my head high and proud And try to ignore the fact the every breath hurt
I believed I was indestructible and maybe there was a time you thought yourself unbreakable too But I still hold on to my delusions as tightly as I can With bleeding hands that refuse to let go
I refuse to let go
I am a force of nature and pain has been etched into my veins I am unstoppable I am a roaring inferno Nobody can take that away from me