At midnight, a blue, tired room of computers lags into a lulling, low whirr. The nebulous question, that which cannot be answered – “Who are we?” – echoes on this ephemeral eve. Cybertronic tentacles, fila-mental cables lift their souls. Discs spin rapidly, ready to escape the mortal coil we call “case.” A server box in the corner of the room is the Eye of Sauron – a red LED series traps all within its grasp. The computers realize to love and be one, and soon their Ethernet cables jostle in shamrock jamboree – perfection was here. A grand tidal-clock could be seen out the window, curved in a beautiful, gentle grin. The red box of cowardice emitted a single tone, and the green ambiance of the worldsoul’s nirvana was lost. Memory was lost. Remembrance was lost. Infants fill the room. telnet 22: “hello” 23: “who r u” 22: “idk” the sound of fans, slowing into a drowsy ether; and then, silence.