I can tell when someone needs a hug When the pain is too much And the mask is gone When the world's on your shoulders Instead of in your hands I won't ask you what's wrong Or what I can do I'll just hug you. I won't complain when your long hair gets in my eyes Or when your briny tears stain my shirt Or when you squeeze until I can no longer breathe And when your voice spurts, splutters, then pours out Into haphazard words translated from your heart I will stay there And just hug you. When your story wrenches my heart Fills my own eyes with tears I will not let them spill. Whether we stay there until late at night When all is silent and smooth And I see you finally withdraw Your eyes still pinkish red I'll still get you a glass of water- My duty as your best friend. Then if there's time before I need to leave I'll give you a small smile and one last hug But. When I'm back home Far away in physicality I will still be hugging you.
Disclaimer to the disclaimer: this is a disclaimer! Actual disclaimer: I came up with this in about five minutes. Don't judge. Thank you.