It seems everyone Knew. I was getting ****** over, Again Again Again. Everyone
But me.
I was blinded By façades By words By love.
Now, I see.
The one sided Conversations. The tears. The lonliness. The fears.
I’ve found Clarity,Love, Best Friends, Freedom.
I appreciate the pain, Because it made me more. I love the rage, because its burned through It all.
I’ve learned to keep My eyes wide, To remember it all. I’ve seen the necessity of Appreciation, Of savoring each Moment.
You never know when or If you’ll lose it.
Tomorrow Today, Never.
I’ve let go, Set myself free. I’m planning futures And ignoring fears. I don’t know anything But love and Truth.
I can see the beauty in her Eyes. The Light in her smile, And I’m lifted higher, Made lighter.
The way her hair falls Is Magic. Her beauty is found between Caught breaths and the pages of novels.
Her love is pure, Innocence, Magnificent. Together, we are more. We don’t need each other We want each other.
Our love is more Than words Than time Than platonic. Her eyes in mine fill The silences. Her hands on mine break The barriers Her mouth over mine Builds anew. Creates. Sets me free.