Lyssandra works as a manager From behind the counter At the local bakery and café On my quiet, little street.
Her mind is full of youthful energy, Dreams and ambition. She knows what she wants! She clearly sees where the line is drawn Between Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, What should and shouldn’t be.
In short, Lyssandra is The very opposite of me! My aged mind is full of blurry lines, Just waiting to be crossed. My dreams are gone, my ambition, lost. How we got to like each other And sometimes even empathize, We will never know.
I will miss annoying her, Teasing her, and then, Repeatedly apologizing to her For my many transgressions, And for the endless narration Of my morally questionable life.
For Alas, all good things Must come to an end! Lyssandra is leaving us. She will never again have to fear What nonsense might fly out of my mouth While others are patiently Waiting to be served.
Dear Lyssandra, you will never be replaced. You will forever leave a space In my dark, slightly twisted, but Well intentioned heart, Where you once paced From behind the counter At the local bakery and café, On my quite, little street.