Sometimes when I think too hard, my responsibilities crash over me like waves on an expanse of stormy sea pulling me down under an ocean of panic. My thoughts turn against me and the only thing inside my hollow head is doubt. I can't drag myself away from the lines i have to learn the homework i have to do what if my friends don't really like me is my mum angry at me what do i want to do with my life no college will ever accept me i'm not smart enough i'll starve in the gutter. I want to ******* die. I lay there paralyzed with fear and anger an emptiness that I can't control. I feel like something is gnawing at me. I know what i have to do but I can't make myself do it because no matter what i do there's always more living to be done more responsibilities and it's a vicious cycle that I can't escape and i'm drowning on air. So i cry. And I pray for death.