You walked away and with every bold step Every bone is my body screamed don't go
In that instant, I wanted to wrap my arms around you To keep you safe To reassure you that I love you and that you are perfect and graceful and worth my time and worth the fights and worth the nights I cried myself to sleep and worth everything I have ever owned and will ever own
I wanted to feel you hold on to me as if I'm the only support system you have while being forced into a vortex But it seems you found the vortex as a place of acceptance because you left me for that black hole that leads to no where
It hurts because I know I have you in my heart but I want you in my arms I want you in my life, but it seems you rather be in space You rather be blind in a vortex You rather live among the stars than live in my life You rather be far away from me but I can't blame you
While you are soaring the stars and dancing in galaxies Just now while you are trying to obtain the world **You will always be my universe