Hollow out my bones And fill them with my aspirations. With stars from the night sky, ocean water, pieces of the earth- Take it all out. I don’t want it haunting my insides, as my dreams have kept me a prisoner since I was a child. No, I want to be free. From everything grounding me to this earth; you see I need to go. The sun is calling. I need to get out: away from these people, away from this place, away from my body, Away from you. Because I loved you and love is destructive And you can’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you differently. For love with play with your heart like it’s a ******* battlefield, Until your ice cream you eat at exactly seven o’clock every night Begins to taste like heart ache. And the pieces you once admired inside your bones begin to weight your body down, gravitating your dreams towards the person you once thought it was so great to love. So get me out of this body. Hollow out my bones And let me fill them With my own Aspirations. -k.d.