I used to walk without seeing where I was going For fear that I would meet someone’s eye And they wouldn’t like what they saw
I used to hesitate to open my mouth For fear that what I had to say Might make people think less of me
I used to try to take up as little space as I could To leave room for people more important than I
I used to pretend I was a ghost I used to float through life only halfway present Always observing, never participating
I used to
I’ve grown so tired of being apologetic for merely existing
I meet peoples’ eyes when I walk now And if they don’t like what they see ***** them
I try harder to say what’s on my mind And people who don’t appreciate it Can deal with it
I take up as much space as I need to be comfortable Because I realize now that my comfort is not a reason to feel guilty
I am starting to live life for the first time and it feels so hopeful I can feel the ghost dwindle every day Maybe, one day, I might be a whole person **Maybe