From atop Chehalem Mountain I heard it for the first time Like a violin on a death bed Firetrucks at midnight Sirens to a sailor
The sunset, it rose that day Purple fire across the tree tops Music notes bouncing off of falling leaves Crickets playing violas The bats came out - a choir of sonar in the sunlight - A song meant to welcome the dark Played in the parting fog of dawn Morning dew just the right squeak under my shoes A wailing woman whispering hello to... ...something it feels I should recall I danced To the coming of whatever it was she was praying for I danced The notes rang from under the trees And I watched it Climb from out of the valley Past my childhood Swimming through remnants of first dates First stick shifts Second tears Thinking swings I watched it crawl through the memories of everything I have ever known This beast This past This regret a mosquito to the flame of this song This This song This This music This royal procession This woman Compelling me to dance to a lullaby I know all the words to I...I just can't remember how it goes
From atop this mountain I look down upon everything I have been Every path I have taken And none of it makes sense I am lost in the maze of the directions I have chosen Changed by every mistake I have made The woman singing a song of past in the air The notes of this song so random Every memory changing the song Each song meant to move me shot arrow straight Every missed note sending me typewriter reset sideways The melody a scared cat on a keyboard Equal parts haunting and nostalgic The tune a childhood toy running low on batteries And after all the moves had been sung And all the lyrics danced I stumbled down the hill Blackberry bushes tearing at my shins I opened my arms to receive the beast of past the woman called up from the valley It swallowed me whole And I wept silent tears onto two week old deer tracks in her throat Falling leaves just falling leaves after the monster had her fill of me The purple flames of sunset now an overcast autumn day We have no crickets here just sounds we heard once in a book The squeak still under my shoe Just a squeak Only a squeak and the occasional snap of a stick As I climbed back to my car The music had stopped I was right where I started Nothing around me looked familiar Everything around me was exactly where I left it
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe