Decisions Decisions,
it all takes precision.
To do this or that,
teeter here, maybe totter-tat!
Decisions Decisions,
how many we must make,
decisions decisions, we give back what we take.
Take a step, leave your print,
take up the sun, leave your shadows.
Give a smile, leave an impression,
all these little things, to learn a big lesson.
Decision's Decisions,
we're always given choices,
two choices, maybe more,
I'd rather have my freedom of choice, rather than standing at a locked door.
Decision's Decisions,
You know when one door closes, another one opens?
For me, I prefer the windows,
the smaller but clearer choice is for me.
We're given choices,
do one or the other,
so think about this,
a small food for thought
who do you make your choices for, who makes your decisions
or have you already forgot?