It's nearly 1 in the morning and the ***** in my veins is blurring my fingers into fins. I can't think straight, is that normal after 3 months of heartbreak? My lungs feel too full, like an over-blown balloon but my esophagus can't get enough air in. Isn't there a potion to make these feelings go away?
Have you thought of me lately? I hope you haven't because I heard that thinking about each other means that things are going to become difficult again.
My 16th birthday is coming up and I can't decide whether or not to invite you to the hellhole called my "sweet sixteen" (whatever that's supposed to mean.) Because we haven't talked in 3 months and I think I'd miss you too much to not stare at your face from across the fire pit. I'd isolate myself in the branches of the trees so that I could be calm enough to sleep.
Everytime we make eye contact my eyes go soft and droopy and yours tighten with every beat of your heart. Are you emotions ******* around the back of your tongue because I haven't heard a peep from between your God given teeth since the day we died.
The letter I wrote to the very person I think I still love...