Ha, ha, humanity, you clowns why do you repeat things you don’t know? you create authority, you stop thinking you lean your elbows on fat books you fill your young with dogma and truths you yourself don’t know to be true but drummed into you and you have visions of God and scriptures passed down from antiquity and for good measure you have updates and the latest revelations – and you say, “Oh no, God just changed His mind - This is the latest! This is the latest!” like some street urchins selling tabloids in busy streets; ah, you have so many articles of faith and repeated so often you claim it to be sacred you learn to repeat on your mother’s laps and the teachers brainwash you and fill you with assumptions you are taught never to question; and you hang death threats on people who question and you become so narrow you only see what you want to see you only see what you are taught to believe; Oh, you won’t think (though you’ll be happy to allow your Masters to tinker with the Holy Text) and you won’t let others think… Ha, ha, humanity, you clowns why do you repeat things you don’t know?
on our human tendency to rely on authority instead of seeing things as they are; the moon in this image is rolling with laughter at our human foolishness, hence it's rolling round in the night sky...