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Apr 2014
in this day and age not much can startle me
scary movies and the world wide web has minimal parental control
so when you find the thing that takes your breath away you remember
that giant bug on your shoulder, that was really your hair
the animal running across that sidewalk in front of you, actually a leaf
all brief but adrenaline filled and always ending in a laugh
days, months, hours
spent looking for prolonged versions of this
no pharmacy, hospital, or street corner carries it
but she does
the feeling when your falling in a dream, but on repeat
when your eyes lay rest to something that brings you to tears, but your happy
insomnia stricken until the sound of her beating heart rocks you to sleep
only love can be described as
..those feelings
Cassi m
Written by
Cassi m  Toronto, Ontario
(Toronto, Ontario)   
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