Concerning man and what he makes, other than scrupulous laws, is that time is of most importance. And as any morally ethical man will tell you, or not tell you, is that time is money.
Now because time nor money grows from trees, it is essential to value them as entities of the Earth. Valued like trees and plants. Well, some plants. Usually not plants referred to as "tree." Man made are the laws that produce a moral oral. Remember, Lady Justice is blindfolded, not gagged.
Time does not exist. Money is not real. Only was real when measured in gold, but note the age of the dollar, and see the change. Hands on a clock were assembled with hands and a smock. Built in a factory that produces black clouds to join the natural white. When the white clouds drain, the different smells of ground enter the air, and sometimes you get mud, and sometimes that peculiar smell of blacktop on a warm summer's day enters the nostrils.
Whether man is suppose to steal the fruit of this land, or become nutrient for the fruit of this land will never be agreed upon, because of ego over Eco, but I'd like to think that that is a constant and everlasting reminder that this is a cohabitation. Maybe what is natural and taken from this Earth will always be plentiful. But maybe we will pile too much on our plate.
Contain too much in jars.
We can write. Educate and enlighten. Hope that ego never destroys Eco. Concerning man and what he makes.