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Apr 2014
I have this fascination
With your names
The way they sound
In my head and the
Way they form on
My lips and the way
They look on the page
And the way they look
On the screen, I find
A curious pleasure
In seeing your names
Written down next
To mine, said adjoining
Mine, a GefenElianaBinyaminSivanBoazRachelle
Thing. Or a GefenSivanRachelleBoazBinyaminEliana
Or GefenBoazSivanElianaRachelleBinyamin
Or a... I will never
Be satisfied, and always
Fight myself internally
For which name goes
Where, I feel guilty
Almost, about those placed most
Far away
All your names
Strike the same
Spark in my brain when I see them
My eyes shift
To them almost
Automatically, let us
Just be a
                        Rachelle Boaz
                    Eliana Gefen Sivan
For The Herd. I love you all.

The title came to me later. I don't think it's a very good poem, but it's what I feel.
Written by
Vitis Lio
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