She's pretty She's smart She's better than me that's why you choose her
I was left on the floor. Told by a friend You can't bear my face anymore Because you know you caused the pain in it
Why do you care? Worry about her It was your Choice don't say sorry to me anymore
Lies hurt more Quit telling me you love me besides, you'll never know Those lies you tell, They keep me together Because i know, deep down, they're true.
Despite what you did, I love you the most, And i know you love me more than her.
I may not be as pretty, Or smart for that matter, But she's just like me and that's why you love her
You're mine forever, So do what you want I'll be right here waiting When you get back
There's no getting rid of me, boy I love you to pieces No matter what you do Just keep on giving me these kisses
She doesn't have to know She's worthless right now Don't think of her It's me who you'll always be keeping