It rhymed, it seemed sensible Although maybe reprehensible Because it didn’t quite make sense, Questions with no answers Intensifying with the questioning But never mentioning any answers Just mysteries but no attempts To justify What was being said, The page being fed with more words read felt and heard before But never quite sure what it was trying to say It carried on anyway, It rhymed because it seemed sensible But it was questionable whether it Had any meaning, A room with no floor but walls and a ceiling
What? Are you sure you’re not looking at it Upside down? Surely it’s more appealing The other way round, Less falling into nothingness The ceiling as a floor would be best Or spinning really fast so you can’t quite fall Because it catches you, Hopefully no nails from pictures In the walls Because it scratches you Spinning round In a room With no windows watching you. Butterscotch table for two… What?
It doesn’t make sense, But for recompense it rhymes I said that already I know But I need certain lines In there because, Well… You know why.
Ladders wrapping like snakes around the branches of Trees That could be climbed unappeased Were it not for nonsense The cycle repeating over time Not pleasing but feasible reasoning untangible But more manageable Like conditioned hair More easy to bare The sense that the Dense trees of time As they climb entangled with ladders like snakes Or vines in their hair Mangled They don’t make much sense They just rhyme. That’s just life. And that’s fine.