I am from the wet and sticky. I was born in the water, yet, somehow I ended up in the mud.
I am from the hopeful cooing's of my sisters, From the moment when they had held me up, They said 'you will be king' They must have forgotten about the Fan... As I raised my hands towards that light, The sounds I heard in my head became the steady and rapid chop of the blades of disappointment and failure breaking upon my skin
I am from the school of Hard Knocks, The place where you were kicked down, In the fork of your legs , Until the moment when you become that which you ultimately feared... One of them.
I am from the Pool where my grandpa's favor gave me the chance to learn, to swim, and to breath. I am from that walk on the shores of my birth, where the Geese lined up in flocks to usher in a greeting to their new king.
I am from her arms. Where finally she says: 'You are enough' 'You. Are. Enough.'
This is me
I am from that little seed of doubt, Forever ingrained upon my mind, Picked at like the pieces of bread on the sidewalk, I am from hesitation, and fear. I am from walking forward.
I am from tomorrow, And today. I am from my mother, who never had the time. I am from my father, who was no where to be found.
I am from being lost, In the store and fearing that I had not only lost myself, But lost the only way back home that I knew.
I am from being scooped up by my grandfather, and my grandmother. I am from the mirror that would show the tears streaking down my face. I am from the finger that would point at me and say: 'This is you. Don't ever be afraid. Don't ever be ashamed.'