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Mar 2014
i can't believe those words
came tumbling out of your mouth
i cant breathe

we talk
you say
"you're too pretty to cry"
and you wipe the tears from my face
yet you're the reason these tears fall
in the first place

i wish you hadn't
of done that
but i forgive you
please don't leave me
i just can't lose you

you're the Light of my Life
my Sun and Stars
you kiss away and heal all of my scars
what you did was rash
and incredibly dumb
but i understand
i've been down that road
i've been that someone

i wish you hadn't
of done that
but i forgive you
please don't leave me
i just can't lose you

you deserve to be happy
you deserve to think high of yourself
you deserve to have fun
even if i'm not included

i wish you hadn't
of done that
but i forgive you
please don't leave me
i just can't lose you
i just can't lose you
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