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Mar 2014
Amongst a sea of thousands,
alone within this world.
A world I chose to live in,
left behind and stranded.
Brothers in arms,
a concept dead and gone.
A generation hopelessly uninspirable.
A man out of time,
a soul lost and wondering.
What is a warrior of use when peace reigns?
Family in the distance,
a shadow of previous uses.
Darkness falls, memories fading, piety disappears.
Who am I anymore?
What is my purpose?
A guiding lightI can never reach,
another world I can never breach.
No answers to infinite questions.
A warmth I can never feel,
a smile I can not revel in.
A touch I will never have.
Crows circling overhead,
waiting to pick at the life I once had.
Night falls, plumeting into it's void.
A shadow once all to familiar,
a darkness I could only have escaped once.
An old friend calling out to me,
the only one who ever cared.
Protecting me from feign friendships.
Disilliusion of bonds never present.
A hatred ever fortuitous,
crawling in the corners of my mind.
An acquaintance always there,
keeping me warm once again.
A recently untrodden path lost to my shadow.
Recalling a life long forgotten,
paving a new way, leading back to an old.
Is this full circle, or it is a choice?
I have recieved my tools of patience and understanding.
Do I place them in my tool box, or continue to use them?
Rays of sunshine creep in from an unsuspecting source.
Misinformation doubting her methods, her rhyme, her reason.
Internal struggles of good and evil, friend or foe, reality and hope.
Splitting into two, tearing at my being.
Pain, suffering, hate and discontent.
Happiness, revelry, love and caring.
In one hand freely given of friendship,
in the other...stabbed in the back.
An interest?
I know not,
Light coming toward me, but never reaching out.
Torment of something good, something better.
Feeling alone in the darkness, sinking by the moment.
A heart divided,
thoughts conquered.
Emotions rampant,
ellouquently rhymed songs of pain and love.
Piercing my mind.
Dr. Jekyl, Mr. Hyde...
The light or the dark,
the friend or the foe,
the love or the hate?
A tributary of paths, which to choose?
Confusion settling in like a fog of war.

Written by
DmonSpeedn  Virginia Beach, VA.
(Virginia Beach, VA.)   
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